Friday, April 23, 2010

2010 Yushu earthquake

Yushu (Qinghai), April 14, 2010 Yushu in Qinghai Province quake of magnitude 7.1 occurred on April 14 daily-use cell phone cameras to town in Qinghai Yushu Results quake scene. 7:49 that morning, Yushu County, Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province (33.1 degrees north latitude, 96.7 degrees east longitude) 7.1-magnitude earthquake occurred.

YUSHU, Qinghai -- President Hu Jintao on Sunday flew to the quake-hit region and as he met victims of the tremor that left nearly 2,000 dead or missing, called on rescuers not to let up in their search for survivors.
"Saving lives remains the first priority. We treasure every life and at the same time, we should ensure victims regain a normal life," Hu said before visiting a classroom at a local orphanage.

Bearing out his words was the miracle of a 68-year-old man, who was rescued after being trapped beneath rubble for more than 100 hours. The man appeared to be in a stable condition and was receiving medical care, Xinhua reported.
Hu flew to Yushu after cutting short a visit to South America. He returned to Beijing on Saturday and held an emergency meeting to discuss relief efforts. Premier Wen Jiabao and Vice-Premier Hui Liangyu - who heads the rescue and relief operations - visited the region earlier.
Arriving with packs of relief material, Hu reassured residents of a brighter tomorrow as recovery slowly picked up amid sorrow and destruction.
"There will be new schools! There will be new homes!" Hu wrote in chalk on the blackboard of a temporary classroom set up in a tent, according to Xinhua.
Local authorities estimate that up to 90 percent of buildings collapsed after the earthquake.
At a field hospital on the grounds of a sports stadium, Hu sat on the bed of middle-school student Drolma, and held her as she wept. Her right arm was bandaged and supported by a sling.
"Rest assured, you will have a full recovery," he told her. "Don't worry. I know you are a good girl. Be strong. You will have a bright future. Grandpa will be thinking of you."
The 7.1-magnitude earthquake, the strongest to hit China in nearly two years, has affected 100,000 people, an official with the China Earthquake Administration (CEA) said Sunday.
The administration modified its estimate of the depth of the tremor's epicenter from 33 km to 14 km.
In Tashi Datong village where he met survivors, Hu said the provision of food, drinking water, shelter, quilts and warm clothing was a priority. Karma, the village chief, said more than 70 residents had died in the village.
Supplies have been scarce in this isolated, mountainous area which is 4,000 m above sea level. Civilian flights have been mostly suspended since the earthquake.
"There is a lot of work to be done, we will try our best," Hu said.

Meanwhile, social order remains stable, and no criminal cases or major traffic accident have been reported in quake zones, Wu Heping, a spokesman for the Ministry of Public Security told a press conference on Sunday.
Aid continued to pour in. As of Sunday, Qinghai had received 375 million yuan ($55 million) in donations and donated goods and supplies worth 61 million yuan, according to the provincial bureau of finance.
The figures include donations received through all charity channels, including government departments of finance and civil affairs, as well as charity institutions like the Qinghai Red Cross.

The central government will grant each family of the dead a subsidy of 5,000 yuan ($732), to which the Qinghai government will add 3,000 yuan ($439), said Zou of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
The ministry has also issued a joint circular along with the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Grain on subsidies to homeless survivors.
Those without an income will each be given a daily allowance of 10 yuan and 500 g of grain for three months. Orphaned children, the elderly who lost their children and the disabled will each get a monthly allowance of 600 yuan, according to the circular.


Air Pollution

Air pollution is something that we cannot really ignore now-a-days. This is evident from the moment we step out of our house and are greeted with black colored smog that hits us directly reminding us that breathing clean air is more of a distant dream. It is so easy for us to endlessly rant and rave about the causes of air pollution and its ill effects, but little do we realize that each person is responsible for all the causes of air pollution and the situation that we face today. Take a look around you at the dismal state of affairs. The thick smog that is seen in the morning hours is not really due to somebody else but rather due to each and every one of us. Here is a look at the causes of air pollution and how it can affect us if the matter is not taken care of at this stage itself.

  • Causes of air pollution

Cars, trucks, jet airplanes and other combustion engine vehicles cause air pollution. The exhaust from these contains carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide and gaseous oxide. This type of air pollution creates smog (as seen in Los Angeles) which causes respiratory health problems and holes in the ozone layer, which increases the exposure to the sun's harmful rays.

Factories, office buildings, homes and power-generating stations burn fossil fuels, which cause air pollution. The burning of oil and coal (fossil fuels) also contributes to smog. This air pollution destroys plants, damages buildings and creates oxidation on iron.

Petroleum refineries release hydrocarbons and various particulates that pollute the air.

Some power lines are not insulated and are high voltage. This creates air pollution.

Pesticides used to kill indoor and outdoor pests, insecticides used to kill insects and herbicides use to kill weeds all cause air pollution.

Radioactive fallout causes air pollution from the nuclear energy dispersed, which is a dust.

Dust from fertilizers used to help plants grow causes air pollution.

Sick building syndrome (SBS) is the term used when there is indoor air pollution. This happens when there is not enough ventilation to disburse the toxic fumes from new carpet, paint and/or cleaning chemicals that are used indoors. Mold can also cause SBS.

Mining causes air pollution by releasing a variety of particles.

Mills and plants, include paper mills, chemical plants, iron mills, steel mills, cement plants and asphalt plants, release emissions into the air causing air pollution.

  • Effects of Air pollution

pollution can affect our health in many ways with both short-term and long-term effects

Examples of short-term effects include irritation to the eyes, nose and throat, and upper respiratory infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia. Other symptoms can include headaches, nausea, and allergic reactions. Short-term air pollution can aggravate the medical conditions of individuals with asthma and emphysema. In the great "Smog Disaster" in London in 1952, four thousand people died in a few days due to the high concentrations of pollution.
Long-term health effects can include chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer, heart disease, and even damage to the brain, nerves, liver, or kidneys. Continual exposure to air pollution affects the lungs of growing children and may aggravate or complicate medical conditions in the elderly. It is estimated that half a million people die prematurely every year in the United States as a result of smoking cigarettes.

  • How can we help to prevent air pollution

Carpool- This will help to reduce the number of vehicles on the already congested roads.
Always keep your car tuned properly so that it remains in a good condition.
Save energy- Try to use minimum amounts of natural gas and even electricity. Whenever possible, avoid the use of air conditioner and use a fan instead.
Always buy recycled products.
Reuse things such as paper and plastic bags, paper etc. This will contribute a lot towards reducing the effects of air pollution and global warming.
Avoid the use of firecrackers. You don’t really need it to express your feeling of happiness.
Go in for water-based paints instead of varnishes.
If you really cannot avoid using your car, plan your work systematically to reduce air pollution.

  • Solutions to Air Pollution on the Industrial Level

Air pollution aggravates the health problems of elderly and others who have cardio and respiratory diseases. Though everybody plays a vital role in combating air pollution, the industry should be the most aggressive in the implementation of the Clean Air Act. Meeting the ambient air quality standards by installing equipment such as smokestack scrubbers, electrostatic precipitators, and other filters will regulate the emissions of various pollutants.
The ultimate goal of every industry should be to eliminate the use of fossil fuel and replace internal-combustion engines if long-term solution to air pollution is important to them. Other suggested solutions such as increasing electricity rates and gasoline prices would deter waste and inefficiency and will have an impact.

(2010)causes of air pollution.
Nicole LaMarco.(2005).10 causes of air website.from
Staff contributor.(2009).How to solve air pollution.How to do things website.from

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Introduction

  • Earth is the 3rd planet from the Sun at a distance of about 150 million kilometers (93.2 million miles). It takes 365.256 days for the Earth to travel around the Sun and 23.9345 hours for the Earth rotate a complete revolution. It has a diameter of 12,756 kilometers (7,973 miles), only a few hundred kilometers larger than that of Venus. Our atmosphere is composed of 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen and 1 percent other constituents.

  • Earth is the only planet in the solar system known to harbor life. Our planet's rapid spin and molten nickel-iron core give rise to an extensive magnetic field, which, along with the atmosphere, shields us from nearly all of the harmful radiation coming from the Sun and other stars. Earth's atmosphere protects us from meteors, most of which burn up before they can strike the surface.

  • From our journeys into space, we have learned much about our home planet. The first American satellite, Explorer 1, discovered an intense radiation zone, now called the Van Allen radiation belts. This layer is formed from rapidly moving charged particles that are trapped by the Earth's magnetic field in a doughnut-shaped region surrounding the equator. Other findings from satellites show that our planet's magnetic field is distorted into a tear-drop shape by the solar wind. We also now know that our wispy upper atmosphere, once believed calm and uneventful, seethes with activity -- swelling by day and contracting by night. Affected by changes in solar activity, the upper atmosphere contributes to weather and climate on Earth.

  • Besides affecting Earth's weather, solar activity gives rise to a dramatic visual phenomenon in our atmosphere. When charged particles from the solar wind become trapped in Earth's magnetic field, they collide with air molecules above our planet's magnetic poles. These air molecules then begin to glow and are known as the auroras or the northern and southern lights.

Look at our fabulous planet :


Calvin.J . Hamilton.(1995-2009).Earth Introduction.Views of solar system website.from

Population of Singapore

Despite lacking natural resources, the densely populated island state of Singapore rose to the status of “first-world” thanks to the sheer hard work, adaptability and resilience of its population. Originally inhabited by Malay fishermen, Singapore's shores brought immigrants from China, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and other parts of the world post-British arrival.

Malay is one of the four official languages of Singapore.The country's national anthem is sung in Malay. However, English is the language of business and administration and is widely spoken and understood. Most Singaporeans are bilingual and speak both their mother tongue as well as English fluently.
Before independence, two factors determined Singapore's population: integrative effect of migration and natural increase. But after 1965, the government of Singapore under Prime Minister Lee Yuan Kew imposed strict controls on immigration, granting only temporary residence permits to workers whose labor or skills were considered beneficial to the economy.

According to government statistics for the year 2008, the population of Singapore is 4.8 million including expatriates and the rate of employment is 2.6 percent. The dominant ethnic groups are the Chinese (76.7%), Malays (14%) and Indians (7.9%). Others (Eurasians, Arabs, Jews) comprise 1.4% of the population. Literacy rate of Singapore stands at 95%.
Since independence, the Singapore government has implemented effective population control policies through publicity, exhortation, material incentives and disincentives. The Family Planning and Population Board set up in 1966 played a major role in population control as it provided clinical services and public education on family planning. Throughout the 1970s, Singapore experienced low-birth rates and this, in turn, resulted in increase of income, education, women's participation in paid employment and control of diseases. By the 80s, the government became concerned about the low rate of population growth and revamped its family planning programme by offering new package of incentives.

Migration to Singapore dwindled during the Great Depression of the 1930s, ceased during the war years of 1941 to 1945, and resumed on a minor scale in the decade between 1945 and 1955. Most nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century immigrants came from China, India, or Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula. Between 1945 and 1965 immigrants came primarily from peninsular Malaya, which shared British colonial status with Singapore and so permitted the free movement of people between Singapore and the rural areas and small cities of the peninsula. After independence in 1965, Singapore's government imposed strict controls on immigration, granting temporary residence permits only to those whose labor or skills were considered essential to the economy. Most such workers were expected to return to their homelands when their contracts expired or economic downturns made their labor redundant. Illegal immigrants and Singaporeans who employed them were subject to fines or imprisonment. The immigrants of the 1980s fell into two distinct categories. The first category, unskilled labor for factories and service positions, was composed largely of young unmarried people from Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and India. Regulations prohibited their marrying without prior official permission and required women to be tested for pregnancy every six months--measures intended to make it difficult for them to attain Singaporean residence or citizenship by becoming the spouse or parent of a citizen. The second category comprised skilled workers, professionals, and managers, often working for multinational corporations. They came from Japan, Western Europe, North America, and Australia. Predominately middle-aged and often accompanied by their families, they were immigrants only in the strict sense of the government's population registration and had no intention of settling permanently in Singapore.


San.Jose.Population of Singapore.Focus Singapore website. from

population.Country studies website. from

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Development & Utilization of Solar Energy

1. What is Solar Energy?

Solar energy is the energy received by the earth from the sun. This energy is in the form of solar radiation, which makes the production of solar electricity possible. It uses energy from the sun to react with chemical materials to produce positive and negative charges. When this reaction happens multiple times, energy is created.

2. Advantages of Solar Energy

Solar energy is vital to support life on earth, it helps to grow our food, light our days, influence weather patterns, provide heat, and can be used to generate solar electricity. Because traditional energy production methods create environmental and health concerns, it is beneficial for lawmakers and scientists to investigate methods of energy production that are cleaner and more cost-effective. Solar energy has been found to be a very clean type of energy that can reduce pollution and also reduce the costs of energy in homes and businesses.

3. Applications of Solar Energy

· City Residential homes
Recent years have seen rapid growth in the number of installations of PV on to buildings that are connected to the electricity grid. The central driving force though comes from the desire of individuals or companies to obtain their electricity from a clean, non-polluting, renewable source for which they are
prepared to pay a small premium.

· Industrial Applications
For many years, Solar Energy has been the power supply of choice for Industrial applications, where power is required at remote locations. The examples are powering repeater stations for microwave, TV and radio, telemetry and radio telephones.

· Holiday Properties
Photovoltaic Systems are frequently the preferred solution for holiday homes, which have no access to the electricity grid.

· Water Pumping, lighting, heating in the Developing World
Apart from off-grid homes, other remote buildings such as schools, community halls, and clinics can all benefit from electrification with Solar Energy. Solar energy can also power area lighting to enable more outdoor activities after dark or improve security, and to illuminate signs or advertising boards.

· Central Power StationsWorld
Central Power applications use solar energy in the same configuration that a Utility would utilize a major power station. This is distinctly different from the other applications on this page, which are known as "distributed power" or power distributed in small aggregate amounts of power, usually close to the point of use of the electricity.

· Commercial buildings
On an office building, atria can be covered with glass/glass PV modules, which can be semi-transparent to provide shaded light. On a factory, large roof areas have been the best location for solar modules.

· Other Recreational Applications
Solar Power is frequently used in consumer product applications which require small amounts of energy (like calculators). Another frequent use is for Recreation Vehicles (RVs) and Boating to recharge the battery for recreational use activities.

4. The future of Solar Energy

In the 21st century, solar power has already become a small part of daily life. From solar heated swimming pools to solar powered homes, some examples already exist to show the useful application of the clean, safe, sustainable power of the sun. Yet many wonder if small applications will be all solar power is capable of handling. Certainly, the difficulties of large solar plants are many, although many experts continue to insist that the future of solar energy is quite sunny.
Out of all the renewable sources of energy that could be tapped to create electricity, solar radiation is now, by far, the most favored. Although some may argue that geothermal energy is truly endless, the fact is that billions of dollars are currently being poured into research related to creating more efficient and better solar cells or solar thermal installations. The technology that allows for harvesting photons and turning them into electricity has evolved considerably over the last decade, but using it on a large scale is still prohibitively expensive, Technology Review informs.

Powered by Solar Panels.(2010).application of Solar Energy.Powered by solar panels website.from
Solarbuzz.(2005).use of Solar Energy.Solarbuzz website.from
Tudor vieru.(2009).The future of Solar Energy The technology needs to develop.SOFTPEDIA
Jessica Ellis.(2003-2010).what is the future of Solar Energy. wiseGEEK website.from

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Global Warming is Not Cool !

Global warming definition

As it is obvious by its name, Global Warming is a global phenomenon with a number of effects on the global level. Global warming has various effects, ranging from the effects to the atmosphere to the economical, environmental as well as the health life of human beings.

The progressive gradual rise of the earth's surface temperature thought to be caused by the greenhouse effect and responsible for changes in global climate patterns. An increase in the near surface temperature of the Earth. Global warming has occurred in the distant past as the result of natural influences, but the term is most often currently used to refer to the warming predicted to occur as a result of increased emissions of greenhouse gases. “ ---definition of global warming from earthera website

Causes of Global Warming

Humans Are Causing The Problem:
While there are many natural causes of global warming , these causes do not account for the extra warming we are currently seeing on our planet. The current warming is anthropogenic, created by humans.

How do humans cause global warming?

We are accelerating the natural climatological cycles with our human-created emissions of greenhouse gases. The primary gas, carbon dioxide, is released every time you use fossil fuels- currently our main energy source. Unless you help stop those emissions, there is little hope of a secure future for humans.
You'll see that dangerous shifts in the Earth's climate are happening as we speak due to human induced global warming, and as it continues the consequences will worsen. Furthermore, such changes may be self-reinforcing. From an objective perspective, it looks like we are playing Russian roulette with all of life on Earth!

Natural causes of global warming:

1.Volcanic Eruptions
Large volcanic eruptions can throw so much dust into the sky that the dust acts as a shield to solar radiation and causes a cooling trend in the atmosphere. You probably can't remember such an eruption as they are rare and infrequent occurances.

Changes in the Earth's solar radiation levels can have some impact on the Earth's climate. Increased solar activity can cause short-term warming cycles on the Earth.

3.The Wobbly Earth
As the Earth spins, it does not achieve perfect rotation. It actually wobbles slightly, thus alternately exposing the northern and southern latitudes to more and less solar radiation. This wobble in the Earth's rotation has been causing changes in the temperature of the atmosphere for many millions of years.

Effects of global warming

Global Warming has many other effects such as cause a decline in agriculture due to the rise in temperature. The agriculture will also decline due to the role of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis. Carbon Dioxide prevents photorespiration and therefore is the cause of the damage of many crops.
Global Warming also results in increased number and longer droughts. This will result in a increase in the ozone gas at the ground level. The increase of the ozone at the ground level will result in a substantial depletion of crops. The increase in temperature will also cause various transport infrastructure like roads, bridges, ships to face greater temperature changes. Due to this, the maintainable costs of the transport infrastructure will increase. This may cause broken runways, malformed roads and sunken foundations. Global Warming also results in a rise in the sea levels. Therefore, this will result in an increase of the costs of the coastal defense. This is also dangerous, because the most important trade ports are always at the coast of any area for trade reasons. Global Warming will also have a effect on the daily weather. One of the most important effects is the increase in extreme temperatures. The levels of evaporation will also increase due to Global Warming.

Stop Global Warming

The future is not somewhere we are going. It is something we are creating. Every day we do things that make some futures more probable and others less likely
· Vote and influence your government with telephone calls, e-mails, letters and meetings with those who represent you in government.
· Choose vegetarian or vegan meals.
· Use compact fluorescent bulbs
· Use recycled paper.
· Count your carbon. Keep track of your carbon consumption as a way of tracking your progress
· Support producers of renewable energy.
· Insulate anything that uses energy to stay a different temperature from its environment.
· Use public transportation
Take responsibility for your office's energy use. Many offices leave air conditioners, computers and lights running all night. Work with responsible parties in your company to turn off these devices or use power-saving features when possible.
Try to consume fewer products to help conserve resources and control waste. Rent movies and video games instead of buying them, or buy them used, or at a garage sale. Check out books in the library or buy them used, or at a garage sale.
Planting trees balances carbon emissions and pollution. There are organizations that will help you offset your carbon footprint.
It is true that some scientists do not believe that global warming is caused by human activities or that it is even happening, but conserving energy and resources is good “insurance” for the climate.

As an individual you have more power than you can imagine to help solve this problem. You can make a big difference to help stop this unprecedented problem.

EarthEra, LLC.(2010).Glossary Global Warming.EarthEra.from
Roy D’Silva. (2000-2009). The Effects and Consequences of Global
Gore, A.(2006). What Are The Effects of Global Warming on Earth.A cooler

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Tribute to Robinson –-- How to Survive on a Deserted Island

We all heard stories about people who struggled and survives on deserted islands and have watched many movies and novels on the same ,such as a famous novel written by British fictionist Daniel Defoe named《Robinson Crusoe》.It can be really devastating if it happened in reality, although the chance of it’s appearance is not high. There are some situations wherein you can land up on a deserted island, like a ship wreck or an air plane crash. Sometimes there may come a time in your life that you land up on a deserted island and must learn to adjust for survival. Hence, one should always be prepared for the worst to happen in life. Living on a deserted island can be highly challenging and require adequate courage, will power, faith and confidence. However, many individuals have end up in this situation and have been successfully rescued.

Throughout the tips provided below, you will be introduced to a few ideas that can help you while stranded on a deserted island.

· Find fresh water
Finding fresh water is really a important tip in learning how to survive on a deserted island.
If you don’t have clean,safe drinking water within 3 to 4 days, you’ll die. You may think that there are unlimited oncean water that you can get.
But the point is , it is only appropriate used for washing and cleaning without drinking.

Be creative while you can not find a freshwater resource. Because the temperature decrease at night, gas in the air change to liquid and falls to the ground as drew. In order to collect this water : Tie a T-shirt around your ankles and walk through the grass.Then suck the water from the wet T-shirt. Or use whatever containers nature provides,such as empty shells to catch rainwater.

Island vegetation is another source of fresh water.

· Find food

Food is also important as you can see in the table below.

Hunt for lots of edible animals, but be careful as many of them are poisonous. In addition, you can even go for fishing

· Make a fire

Creating a fire will provide you comfort, warmth, light and a way to cook your food. Although it is difficult to make a fire without lighter.

There are several methods of fire making, either the bow method or the stereotypical rubbing together of sticks. You can also try distillation for desalination.

· Build or find a shelter

You will need protection from the element. A cave can be a good shelter as long as you could find one. Otherwise, try to build a shelter on your own use any resources that you can have acquired.
1. Find branches that resemble the letter “Y”.
2. Stick these branches down into the ground rather deeply, making sure that each one is approximately five to six feet away from the other one.
3. Find a long limb of branch that is light enough to be supported by the two “Y” shaped branches, and place it on each so that it goes across.
4. Now, you have a basic frame. You will want to find long branches that can be rested on the limb that goes across on either side.
5. Once you have all of the branches in place, simply search for a vine or something that can act as a rope to tie everything together and secure it.
6. Finally, gather leaves, boughs, palm tree fronds and similar items to cover the structure with for additional security.
7. Take leaves and fronds from trees and line the inside of the structure in order to make a “floor” to rest on.

· Make contact

Let other people know where you are. Make big , unnatural objects using bright colours and shiny things. Such as placing rocks in a large “HELP” or “SOS” pattern on the beach to draw attention and attract rescuers.

· The will power

Keep your spirits high and do not be desperate because it can destroy you. Excise strong will poweras it is only key to survival. By employing these steps, you are sure to survive on an island. Remember, creativity is the most important aspect of survival on an island. There are no rules when it comes to surviving in such a dangerous environment.

eHow Contributing Writer .(no date).How to Survive on a Deserted Island.eHow.from To Live On A Deserted Island .Life Style Lounge.from
Gale Group.(2003) .Could you survive a desert island?.The free liabrary.from
Hot Tip: How to Survive on a Deserted Island .Survival

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Travel to Longkongdong

What is Longkongdong?

Longkongdong is a beautiful limestone cave which belongs to karst landform. Nowadays, it is famous as one of the biggest limestone caves of China and became landscape and famous scenery in Fujian province.

Introduction of limestone caves

A cave is a natural opening or cavity within the earth, generally extending from the earth's surface to beyond the zone of light. Three generic classes of caves can be recognized according to the major sculpturing process: (1) caves formed by pressure or flow, (2) caves carved by erosion, and (3) caves dissolved by solution. Those structures formed by mechanical pressure or flow include lava tunnels associated with volcanoes (e.g., Catacombs Cave in Lava Beds National Monument, California) and "badland caves" excavated from poorly consolidated rock by hydraulic pressure (e.g., small caves of the arid Badlands of South Dakota). The caves carved by erosion include shoreline grottos created by the mechanical action of waves (e.g., La Jolla sea caves near San Diego, California) and rock shelters cut by river meanders (e.g., the massive sandstone alcoves of the famed cliff-dwelling Pueblo Indians). The caves dissolved by solution include ice caves associated with glaciers and the familiar limestone caverns or caves. Limestone caves are, by far, the most common type of caves.

Where is Longkongdong?
Longkongdong is located in Fujian province of China. In addition, it lies on south part of Wuyi Mountain . Although Longkongdong is 48 km away from downtown area, there is the best tour road of Fujian province directly reach it.

As we can see from the above picture,there is a stone called “dragon umbrella”.It is precious because there are only 2 stones like that all over the world ( the other one discovered in Europe).

The history of Longkongdong

According to a scientific research, Longkongdong is a ocean originally. What we see today is after three times of crustal movements and intermittent evolvements. It came into being from Paleozoic Period about three billion years ago. Longkongdong has been discovery from Tang Dynasty and people after Tang Dynasty go to visit Longkongdong constantly.

My own experience

I have been to Longkongdong last year during Chinese Spring Festival. My tourist guide said that it is constant temperature inside the cave at about 25 degree Celsius .That is the reason why it will neither be too hot in summer nor too cold in winter. Best of all,there is a stone called “dragon umbrella”.It is precious because there are only 2 stones like that all over the world ( the other one discovered in Europe). Furthermore, people made interesting-styled stones up into fairy tales by their imagination . Consequently , people who visit there enjoy a fantastic journey combined by human and nature. In a word, Longkongdong made a deep impression to me by its unbelievable beauty, precious and centuries-old history. My whole family enjoy a happy holiday there. Last but not the least, I recommend you to visit Longkongdong and prove whether what I said is true.
1. Austin, S. Origin of limestone caves. From institute for creation research web site :